Please Help Me Protest

I have written all the politicians I can write, I have made all the phone calls I can make, I have voted in every election but still nothing changes. Things are getting worse.

Here is what I am doing. I am organizing a general election protest here in San Diego. Me and many others will spend four hours on election day in front of the Registrar of Voters office here in San Diego. 

We Will Be Protesting These Main issues:

1.) Illegal Immigration and the effects on our infrastructure, pocket book, quality of life and safety.

2.) Our Congress does nothing to help the people, rather they help themselves to our tax dollar.  

3.) We have no real choice for President. Is this the best we have? Why is it always the lesser of two evils?  

4.) Government Bailouts - Are you kidding me? The crooks get rewarded while we pay the bill. Anyone else have a problem with this or the fact that the Government now owns these large businesses?

Other Issues We Will Be Protesting:

5.) The Government/Media Complex - why does every news channel report the same talking points? Where are the stories about Government corruption, waste and fraud?   

6.) We live in an Oligarchy - we are ruled by the a small group of elites. Does it seem that the Republicans and Democrats are more similar than different these days? Do you realize that we have had 20 years of the Bush/Clinton administration? How can judges so easily overturn the rule of the people?

Where: Kearny Mesa Registrar of Voters Office -5201 Ruffin Rd San Diego,92123

When: Election Day from 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Rules: No racial elements or hate groups of any kind will be allowed. We will have average citizens present from ALL walks of life. Racial (or any hate for that matter) will not be tolerated and anyone who attends from any of these groups will be asked to leave.

Can't protest less than 100 feet from the entrance to the poll site. Members of the public can't pass around petitions, put up political signs about a candidate's qualifications or try to influence the voter less than 100 feet from the entrance of a poll site. Members of the public can't wear campaign related items including hats, shirts or lapel buttons.  

If anyone in my area wants to be a part of this, please let me know. If you live in other areas, I hope you will consider organizing your own protest.  

By protest, I do not mean burning cars or picking fights with people. I mean making signs and a possible chant or two to get people's attention. I am protesting because the only way we will get REAL CHANGE, is to get as many people as possible physically involved and in front of our elected officials. I want to remind our elected officials who is in control. Our forefathers fought hard for us to have this right. We protest global warming, we protest over the war, we protest to save the spotted eel, why not protest to save our country?  

By the way, I work a full time job just like you. I work about 50 hours a week so believe me, there are many other things I could be doing on election day. I am not a professional protester. All I know is that someone has to stand up and say something. Thank you for your time and I hope you will consider protesting.

Please contact me if you want to participate: [email protected]